10 Reasons Christian Deserves WWE Hall Of Fame Induction

9. Character Diversity

There are some wrestling characters that are so perfect that they never need to change, the Hulk Hogans, Ric Flairs and Stone Colds of the world. For most professional wrestlers however, a constant reinvention is often the trick necessary to stay relevant in the eyes of the fans, and few reinvent themselves better than Christian. Although Christian debuted as part of Gangrel€™s Brood stable, and as iconic as those characters were, they all seem quite dated looking back and moving away from that gimmick was smart for both Edge and Christian. In the following years, they adopted the cocky characters, which were perhaps their most enduring and well beloved personas. It would have been easy for both stars to get comfortable in those roles, but they evolved past it over the next decade. Christian has been an Un-American, a crybaby, Captain Charisma, The Instant Classic, and most recently the guy who needs just €œOne More Match€ to get the World Title back. Any and all of these characters are remarkably iconic in the own right, but the fact they were all the same man is incredible. Christian acutely understands what kind of wrestling character he needs to be for that space and time, and when that character has ran its course he always has another one ready to go.
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