10 Reasons Dean Ambrose Will Defeat Brock Lesnar At WrestleMania 32

6. The Result In The Context Of The Mania Card

Just looking at the WrestleMania card, it is obvious that the Lesnar Ambrose bout is the one result WWE can give the fans to make them happy. Booking Ambrose to win will satisfy the crowd ahead of the Reigns Triple H clash. Whether it is Reigns or Hunter winning, large sections of the WWE audience aren't going to be happy. Having had Ambrose winning earlier, it is an appeasement move. Everyone can get behind the idea of Ambrose winning, and it will make the entire complexion of the show more acceptable. Even with The Undertaker Shane McMahon result, WWE can't really satisfy the crowd. Taker losing is unacceptable, but Shane losing and The Authority remaining is also undesirable. Ambrose going over in the Lesnar match is the only result that really makes sense for leaving a positive impression of WrestleMania 32 on the audience.
WWE Writer

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