10 Reasons For Stone Cold Vs Brock Lesnar At WWE WrestleMania 32

1. A Dream Come True For WWE Fans

When WWE think about booking dream matches, it can't come much bigger than Austin and Lesnar. Forget The Undertaker versus Sting, Austin and Lesnar are so much bigger in terms of overall wrestling and mainstream perception. It is the main event of all main events. It really would be a dream come true for so many people. That then turns into money for WWE, as people want to pay to attend or watch it. It is the two toughest sons of b****** in WWE history. Is also perhaps the dream of both Austin and Lesnar. The Texas Rattlesnake could have his last match in the same city as his first match. Lesnar could get to work the guy who was "the man" when he started his own career. All will become clear after Austin interviews Lesnar on the WWE Network podcast. If they don't do an angle, everyone missed out on so much money and excitement. If they do an angle, then buckle up for the biggest wrestling show in history...
WWE Writer

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