10 Reasons For WWE's Ratings Plummet

3. Over-Reliance On Older Stars

In a perfect world, WWE would be able to harness a flawless balance between the old and new. That hasn't exactly happened however, there's still an over-reliance on major names who have been kicking around for years. Characters like The Big Show, Triple H and Kane all have valid reasons for being involved, but all too often they dominate shows, which is very uninspiring. Looking back to when these characters crashed onto the scene, they were fresh and new. The Big Show has turned from heel to babyface (and vice versa) so many times that it's hard for fans to really care about what the big man will do next. Everyone has a shelf life on top, especially when there's such a limited number of spots available. Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker at SummerSlam was quite the spectacle, and a big draw for the company. That in mind, it was still a match between a pair of performers who aren't there at every single show for WWE. Talks of having a third encounter at WrestleMania are worrying, because it represents a lack of upward mobility for younger names on the roster.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.