1. 50 Years Of World Of Sport - A Tribute

2015 will mark the 50th anniversary of 'World Of Sport'- so what better way to pay tribute than to bring it back to our screens, wrestling and all? Some of the old legends could surely be persuaded to return and it could be a great chance to showcase emerging talent. A special event was staged and recorded just this month in advance of the milestone, but why leave it there? Seems a shame not to give it a chance to dust itself off and get ready for a whole new batch of viewers. There's the nostalgia appeal for dads old enough to remember the original plus a chance for them to introduce it to their children. Ideal possible family entertainment avenue. Also appealing might be the chance for the above-mentioned fathers to offer impromptu history lessons to their WWE-sated offspring while sharing in their sense of discovery. And why not? With the referee about to count to three, would you like to see good old British wrestling hauled back onto screens, or would it be a pale shadow of its slickly polished American equivalent?