10 Reasons Why ITV Should Bring Back British Wrestling

10. The Queen Might Like It/Sign Up To Wrestle

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVPHUYDaYls You've not gone nuts. Our nation's sovereign was apparently mad for a bit of grappling action and would make a beeline for the telly when it came on- though whether she joined the crowds at the recordings isn't known. How do we know so? Back in 2009 David Hintz, a footman to Her Majesty, became LDN Wrestling champion after beating Jon 'The Don' Ritchie in a cage match. Not bad going when you consider he'd been grappling for eight years alongside his duties to Queen and country. In the ring the 24 year old was known as David Deville - royal sources close to Buckingham Palace claimed the Queen, her family and Dave's colleagues were supportive of his career away from providing protection and assistance at ceremonial occasions like Trooping The Colour. Promoter Sanjay Bagga really let the cat out of the bag when he spoke to BBC Essex:
"The good thing is that the Queen has always been a British wrestling fan. When British wrestling used to be on television the Royal Family used to go and watch. And the palace has been really supportive of David. When he first told me what he did for a living, I was a bit nervous, I wasn't sure they'd approve, but they've been great."
For his part David added "The palace and the people working and living there have always supported me and I can't wait to give them all the good news and show them the belt." Whether he went on to offer lessons to Prince Philip and the defender of the faith sadly isn't recorded but you'd like to think so, right? And if the sport/performance art gets royal approval it gives it some real clout.

Journalist, musician, sports fan, citizen of the universe and a gentleman to boot!