10 Reasons Why John Cena Heel Turn Would Be ‘Best For Business’
5. It Would Give WWE The Chance To Create Fresh Stars...
Cena as a vicious, conniving heel would open the door for many a hot new star to win favour with the fans, but it would also allow Cena-dominated WWE to reach out to new markets by creating fresh stars and letting someone else run with the ball for a bit. It is important to constantly groom new stars for top positions, something that WWE has learned the hard way. Hogans aforementioned era came to an abrupt (and very nearly bankrupting) end for the WWF, mainly because the company was built around one major star. When Hogan retired it gutted the organisation because no one else seemed credible enough to take his place. Ultimate Warrior aside, nobody was allowed to cleanly defeat Hogan in the middle of the ring, hence nobody seemed capable of actually dethroning him. When they finally pushed Bret Hart to a top spot, Vince got cold feet and Hogan swooped in and, quite literally, stole the show once again. By the time the Attitude Era had crawled out of the wreckage, Vinny Mac had learned his lesson. By the early 2000s, the WWF had a number of top-level stars to choose from. In addition to The Rock, Austin, Kurt Angle and Triple H, it was building Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam, Randy Orton and Chris Benoit as future main event stars. In addition, it had wrestlers that could credibly hold the big belt at any given time, guys like Big Show, Undertaker and Kane. So, although Austin and The Rock are perhaps the most fondly remembered draws of their era, their WWE was actually much more than just a two-man show. Cena probably gets so many jeers and so much malice because he was effectively pushed as the single face of the company for so long. Although others have defeated him, it was always understood that Cena would eventually retain the belt, which didnt allow fans to get behind many other main event babyfaces. As a result, a lot of fans feel as if theyve been force fed The Cena Show when they are actually hungry for a lot more variety in their main event picture. To borrow a Triple H-ism, it is definitely best for business to have a lot of top-level stars, as opposed to just one. In the midst of so much hate, Cena seems destined for a Bret Hart-esque you can all kiss my ass moment, but WWE is holding back from it. I can understand why. First, WWE is still unconvinced about Daniel Bryan as a long-term main event prospect. His recent neck injury has hampered his heir apparent status somewhat and, adding to the WWEs woes is the financial drubbing it is taking on the WWE Network. Therefore, the company probably feels as if they need Cena waiting in the wings, just in case Bryan doesnt work out. WWE has always measured the success of its major stars by its PPV buy rates. Therefore, the main event babyface usually gets the credit (or the blame) if the event doesnt do particularly good business. By this yardstick, WWE was obviously not 100% sold on Bryan when they effectively ended his push and brought Batista in to win the 2014 Royal Rumble. (Sheer fan-power kept Bryan on-course to finally get his due at WM XXX). So, a Cena heel turn may very well hinge on the next few Bryan-led PPVs. If those events dont do the business WWE is hoping for, then Cena will probably win the belt and go back to the top spot again for more of the same. If Bryan does prove that he can carry the company into a new era (and in my opinion, he definitely can), then Cena will be looking for a different spot on the roster; and a nicely timed heel turn could well provide it for him.
I am a professional author and lifelong comic books/pro wrestling fan. I also work as a journalist as well as writing comic books (I also draw), screenplays, stage plays, songs and prose fiction.
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I also write for FLiCK http://www.flickonline.co.uk/flicktion, which is the best place to read my fiction work.
Oh yeah - I'm about to become a Dad for the first time, so if my stuff seems more sentimental than usual - blame it on that!
Finally, I sincerely appreciate every single read I get. So if you're reading this, thank you, you've made me feel like Shakespeare for a day! (see what I mean?)
Latcho Drom,
- CQ