At the end of the day, everything else is preamble. The promos are going to be great, the violence is going to be spectacular, but Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt are two of the most promising and entertaining wrestlers on the roster and whatever show they face each other on, theyre going to tear the house down and steal the night. The key here is complimentary styles. Dean Ambrose is a manic brawler on the surface, but underneath it all everything has a purpose. Theres a method to Dean Ambroses madness and everything he does is exciting. On the other hand, Bray Wyatt is a very considered wrestler. He likes to run in like wrecking ball, and then slow it down. Together, these two could put on some fantastic matches. It doesnt matter whether its in a singles match, a cage match or even at TLC, both men are hungry to prove themselves as willing and able to carry the WWE through the next decade. If WWE gives them the ball, theyre going to run with it and go all the way.