10 Reasons NXT Will Continue To Be WWE's Best Overall Product

9. Samoa Joe

OK. So Samoa Joe isn't exactly setting the world on fire in NXT. However, there's no reason to panic. Everywhere that Joe's been in pro wrestling except ROH in 2002 has eventually fumbled how to make Samoa Joe a consistent draw. At best, Samoa Joe is a hybrid of Bruiser Brody, Arn Anderson and Brock Lesnar circa 2003. A monster fighter who cuts a no nonsense and believable promo, he's the kind of wrestler who is ONLY best as the cornerstone of a brand, and nothing else. At some point Triple H will figure this out about Joe, and NXT will benefit from it. In my mind, Joe works best as a heel, the miserable guy that demands respect, but also doesn't mind choking the life out of our heroes, too. As well, in being one of the few wrestlers of this generation who is able to get a guy over by shutting the jaws of victory with the muzzle of defeat, he's a cornerstone performer and very important to the future of NXT as a top-tier brand.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.