10 Reasons Randy Orton Must Return To WWE As The Legend Killer

1. The Punt Could Make A Permanent Comeback

Is there a better move that could be used to kill off a legend once and for all? Whether WWE will allow such a devastating-looking shot to the head while they are dealing with a concussion lawsuit against them from ex-wrestlers is the sticking point here. You're all probably raising your eyebrows right about now after the revelations about Daniel Bryan's retirement due to numerous concussions and brain trauma, but WWE still allows a number of head shots to be used as finishers. Even though Seth Rollins' Curb Stomp was banned, WWE still permit Zack Ryder to hit the Broski Boot and Sheamus to use the Brogue Kick. There is still room for a punt to the head - a move that looks absolutely sickening but is actually quite safe - to be used in the company today. Maybe this is a WrestleMania moment waiting to happen...
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Randy Orton
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.