10 Reasons Seth Rollins Should Leave Royal Rumble As WWE Champion

9. Lesnar's Part Time WWE Title Reign Has Done More Harm Than Good

Brock Lesnar won the WWE Title from John Cena at SummerSlam 2014. That was 148 days ago as of this Monday's edition of Raw. How many WWE Title matches has he had since his victory? One. How many wins? Zero because he lost by disqualification. How many PPVs took place after Lesnar's title win that had no WWE Title matches? Three. We know that WWE isn't going to admit that putting the title on Lesnar was a mistake, but it played a part in why the last four months of 2014 were considered a bad period for WWE. If Lesnar was on the shows it would have helped a lot. Instead, we had to sit through stupid storylines because he was being kept out until the build to the Royal Rumble. In order to rectify the mistake of Lesnar holding the WWE Title, the right move would be to move it onto another heel and that's Seth Rollins. He appears on nearly every show, works a full time schedule including the weekend house shows and would be believable in the role as well. Lesnar's a great performer that has been one of the best heels in WWE for the past three years. However, if he's going to stay home instead of actually wrestle then why keep the title on him? It would be fine if he lost it and the best guy to take it from him at the Royal Rumble is Rollins.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.