10 Reasons Seth Rollins Should Leave Royal Rumble As WWE Champion

4. Rollins Defending WWE Title Against Bryan Is The Best WM31 Main Event Match

The guy that will get the biggest ovation at the Royal Rumble is going to be Daniel Bryan. This isn't a guess. It's a statement of fact because we all know that fans love the guy. Considering he's been injured for eight months he's got plenty of sympathy heat in addition to all the support from the fans. Based on crowd reactions and ability in the ring, Bryan deserves the Rumble win more than anybody. He didn't win it last year, so WWE has a chance to make it right this year. That doesn't mean they will. It's just what they should do. Bryan winning the Rumble would be an amazing comeback story. Facing off with Brock Lesnar as the WWE Champion would be pretty cool. No doubt about that. However, WWE may want Lesnar to put over Reigns before he leaves the company, so Lesnar could be busy. That's where Rollins comes in. Since Bryan has had more problems with The Authority than anybody on the roster, it makes a lot of sense that their handpicked chosen one (Rollins) would be the guy that Bryan faces in the main event of WrestleMania 31. Now that we know it would make the most sense in terms of the story, let's focus on the match. Rollins and Bryan have wrestled several times in WWE (as well as many times elsewhere), but they haven't had a high profile feud. It would be really fresh if they did it. Give these guys 20-30 minutes and let them do their thing. It would be a match of the year contender for sure. WWE needs to realize that the main event of WrestleMania should be one of the best matches of the year every year. Put in two of the best in-ring performers like Seth and Daniel and the result would be a true wrestling classic.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.