10 Reasons Sting Is Winning Seth Rollins' WWE Title At Night Of Champions

4. Potentially Sets Up Sting Vs The Undertaker?

One theory immediately circulating after Raw, is that Sting is being put into the WWE Title equation as a way of building his credentials up for the 'dream match' with The Undertaker. That's a possibility, but the latest indication is that Taker will be wrestling Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 32. Unless WWE are thinking do Sting versus Taker for the title at Survivor Series, with Brock Lesnar costing the deadman a victory. But that's probably way too obvious an angle. The thing is, from a long term view, even a year from now, Sting versus Undertaker would be perceived even bigger if the WCW star has held the WWE title in the year before. So long term planning for Sting / Taker could definitely be a factor in giving Sting a short run with the gold this autumn.
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