10 Reasons UFC's Dana White Should Replace Vince McMahon In WWE

10. Dana White Would End The "Heel Commissioner/Authority" Role

If Dana White were to take over WWE, there's high chance that we'd never see him "cut a heel promo" on WWE television. This is a wonderful thing. One of WWE's key issues in its presentation over the past ten years has directly dealt with how the company has accepted the line blurring between shoot and work, and how that has impacted the TV presentation of the product. It's difficult as a fan to accept that Stephanie McMahon is a nefarious heel out to screw the fans, but Stephanie Levesque is a Chief Brand Officer out to enhance the product that the fans so dearly love. As well, the idea that Triple H is the ultimate bad guy is a difficult play against Paul Levesque, the head of talent relations grooming the company's future at NXT. If Dana White were the boss, likely gone would be the days of heel authority figures on TV. What has allowed UFC to be successful is an impetus being placed on in-ring combat, and not on the office having any sort of obvious control over the talent's in-ring behavior.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.