WWE: 10 Reasons Why Bray Wyatt Is The Next Undertaker

5. The Supernatural Element

Both men have alluded to being in control of some kind of power or force beyond our understanding, and both have kept the exact nature of these powers fairly vague. Which is understandable, as the more we can explain about it, the more it takes away from their mystique. We have yet to see something truly inexplicable from Bray Wyatt other than his behaviour. Not the case with The Undertaker, though. We've seen evidence of his powers on numerous occasions, how he can summon lightning and rain inside arenas, how he can disappear from inside burning coffins and make his voice heard from nowhere. We saw during his Ministry days how he had the ability to seemingly brainwash people. We've been told about the mystical connection between the urn and The Deadman's powers. Quite a lot to be getting on with, really. We know even less about Bray Wyatt's roots in the paranormal, but he has definitely implicated something of the kind. In the past, he has said that he himself is dead. He has referenced the Devil, as well as some mythical figure known to him as Sister Abigail. He has referred to people as "humans", implying that he is something else. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmdGg9ee5zc In the above promo, he takes a moment to address some unseen figure called Samael. In Jewish and Talmudic lore, Samael is the angel of death, an ancient characterisation of the Grim Reaper (who, incidentally, Undertaker has been compared to or associated with. Another similarity for the books). In FCW and NXT, he was known for singing the chorus of The Rolling Stones "Time Is On My Side". It's believed that he took the inspiration from this from a '90s Denzel Washington film, "Fallen", which featured people possessed by the demon Azazel sang it. Coincidentally, Azazel and Samael have been confused with each other over the centuries. Maybe Bray can sort this all out for us.

Stephen Maher has been a rock star, a bouncer, a banker and a busker on various streets in various countries. He's hung out with Robert Plant, he was at Nelson Mandela's birthday and he's swapped stories with prostitutes and crack addicts. He once performed at a Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras by accident. These days, he passes the time by writing about music, wrestling, games and other forms of nerdery. And he rarely drinks the blood of the innocent.