10 Reasons Why Daniel Bryan's Wrestling Style Cost Him His Career
8. His Dive Between The Middle Ropes
During his retirement speech on RAW, Daniel told of how his Suicide Dive through the middle ropes was one of his favourite moves to perform, but it's also one of the primary reasons he can't wrestle anymore. It's one of those high-risk manoeuvres that can cause injury even when performed correctly. You might not know this - I certainly didn't before writing this article - but a concussion can be caused when the body is shunted significantly enough that it causes the brain to move inside the skull. Bryan, jumping on top of an opponent after running at full speed before dropping a fair few feet onto a thin crash mat, would have been very susceptible to this. He'd be in for a proverbial double whammy on the occasions when his momentum took him into the barricade head first... A scary thought.