10 Reasons Why Money In The Bank Was WWE’s Best PPV Of 2021

8. Bobby Lashley Destroys

Big E WWE Money In The Bank 2021

A few fans on Twitter have bitched about this match, but what was the alternative? Did anyone really want to see WWE launch into 'KofiMania' II before Bill Goldberg returns to bag the belt at SummerSlam? Screw that. Bobby Lashley kicking Kofi's ass all over the ring was the better option.

Now, Lashley looks like a destroyer.

The agent for this match needs a pat on the back, and Kingston can get one too for being a team player and ensuring that Bob rolls into his Goldberg diversion with some serious steam. WWE should realise what they have on their hands here - Lashley exhibited Brock Lesnar-esque intensity at MITB, and it'd be a total waste to let Goldberg chew him up.

No, the smarter decision would be booking a reverse of Survivor Series 2016. There, Bill decimated Lesnar. At SummerSlam, Lashley should do the same to Goldberg and then start motoring towards that elusive Brock match he so desperately wants.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.