10 Reasons Why Seth Rollins Will Never Eclipse CM Punk's Success
4. Punk Had Paul Heyman. Seth Rollins Has Triple H.
The argument that the cherry on top of the pie of Paul Heyman's legacy as the greatest pro wrestling manager of all time surrounds his work with CM Punk is rather easy to make. Heyman being "the voice of the voice of the voiceless" was money, and he still didn't overshadow the work of his client. To compare the work of CM Punk with Paul Heyman to the work of Seth Rollins with Triple H is like comparing apples to orange juice, in the sense that Heyman aided Punk's ascent in the eyes of the fans while Triple H anchors ROllins' work with the doubt needed to make a chickensh*t heel champion appear passable in that role. Paul Heyman presented CM Punk as the "best in the world" and a hyper-relevant pop cultural icon. Triple H presents Seth Rollins as a guy who is a corporate puppet who needs to prove himself. In realizing this, there's an obvious choice as to who has the work to do to catch up to whom.
Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.