10 Reasons Why Terry Funk Is The Funking Man

5. He Is A God In Japan...

Terry Funk Japan Funker The phrase €˜big in Japan€™ is often used to denote washed-up €˜has been€™ or even ill-fated €˜never was€™ entertainers that struggle to make a buck in the West, but are inexplicably popular in the ever-perplexing Land of the Rising Sun. ...But when I say that Terry Funk is big in Japan, we€™re talking bigger than King Ghidorah€™s first dump of the day. Funk has been popular in Japan ever since he first toured there in 1969 (with his father and brother) and the Japanese fans absolutely revere him to this day. He is also the veteran of more than a few extreme hardcore matches and tournaments in the country; he€™s been thrown through plate glass, gouged with sharpened forks and even blown up with C4! WWE.comWWE.comIn Mick Foley€™s first autobiography, Have a Nice Day; he describes Terry€™s affect on the Japanese fans (and how The Funker putting him over as €˜King of the Death Match€™ €“a terrific bout, just don€™t watch it on a full stomach €“ really helped his career) €œWhile I celebrated, Terry was placed in an ambulance and rushed to hospital. It was truly a touching scene as the adoring crowd reached out just to touch him, and chanted his name. Terry had done me a gigantic favour. Terry had only lost a couple of matches in the last decade in Japan, and a victory over The Funker was a huge milestone. Terry Funk, who had spent his entire career giving, had just given me a hell of a gift€. flickrflickrTerry, for his part, loves the Japanese fans every bit as much as they love him.
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Terry Funk
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