10 Reasons Why WWE Fans Should Get Over CM Punk Already
It's been two years, guys. Let it go.
Its hard to deny that CM Punks run at the top of WWE was nothing short of captivating. Unfortunately, those short few years of CM Punk being the breath of fresh air WWE desperately needed have come and gone. As much as some may not want to accept it, both parties have moved forward and neither are looking back. However, trying to explain that Punk is gone to some fans is like trying to explain to a child that the beloved family dog had to be put down, the only difference being that the child slowly begins to accept the fact as time passes. It has been two years since CM Punk disappeared from WWE programming and he isn't coming back, at least not in the foreseeable future. Although programming may well improve if he made a gallant return, Punk is not the make-or-break superstar for WWE that he is often touted as. To twist a quote from CM Punk's infamous Raw 'pipe bomb' promo: "I don't hate you, Punk. I don't even dislike you. I do like you. I like you a hell of a lot more than I like most people in the back. I hate this idea that you're the best. Because you're not". This isnt a personal grudge against CM Punk or intended as any kind of attack, its a matter of being fed up with hearing the constant 'CM Punk!' chants during WWE shows and seeing the bombardment of WWE-related comments directed at Punks social media accounts. It's time to move on, WWE fans. Here are 10 reasons why...