10 Reasons Why You Should Cancel Your WWE Network Subscription

1. WWE Won€™t Listen Otherwise

In a recent interview Daniel Bryan confirmed what we long suspected €“ that he was never meant to be in the main event of Wrestlemania XXX despite the fact that the paying audience obviously wanted him to be. It proved what we all suspected, and that is the fact that WWE ignores constructive criticism, and really doesn€™t give a damn what the paying customer wants, unless they are under the age of about nine. WWE isn€™t serialised drama, no matter how much they might want to pretend it is. Raw is not Breaking Bad, and Smackdown is not Mad Men. Wrestling is equal parts performance art and popularity contest, and once upon a time WWE actually understood this. There was a reason why once the crowd started responding to the Rock, he got elevated up the card. If WWE had put Headbanger Mosh in the Heavyweight Title Picture while ignoring the Rock we probably wouldn€™t even have a WWE today because audiences would have left in droves. But despite all this, today WWE is intent on ignoring everyone that loves their product and wants it to be better. They have unparalleled access to getting the scoop on what their audience wants, and they have a test audience every single week telling them what they need to do. But they just don€™t care. They are arrogant and complacent, and if they don€™t change will crumble under the weight of their own hubris. The only way to make them listen quite frankly is to hit them where it hurts. They have taken a major hit with the network over the past year, and the value of their company is tumbling every single week. If things get desperate enough on Wall Street then by law WWE will have no choice other than to change, and to listen to what the people want. So if you want them to take notice of their opinion, then stop paying them to ignore it.
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Contributor for WhatCulture across the board, and professional student. Sports obsessed. Movie nerd. Wrestling tragic. Historical junkie. I have only loved three things my entire life: my family, Batman, and the All Blacks.