10 Reasons WrestleMania 31 Is Doomed To Failure

9. The Undertaker Will Likely Make A Daytime Entrance To The Ring

Wrestlemania 31 is happening on the West coast which means that locally in Santa Clara, it'll be occurring from 4-8 PM. This means that most of the card will occur during daylight. This also means that the matchup between The Deadman and The New Face of Fear will likely start with a rosy sunset taking place in the background. For such a likely-to-be legendary demonic tilt, the "mood lighting" you'd optimally want just isn't going to be there, and that's unfortunate. Undertaker's daytime entrance at Wrestlemania IX was made ominous by the fact that compared to everything else happening in the VERY PG company back then, Undertaker is literally the most frightening man in the entire building. Fast forward 22 years, and Taker's an older and balder man working in a company that is already a very foreboding place with Brock Lesnar as the World Champion. Sadly, when he needs all of the darkness he can get to compete in a company with a very menacing in-ring presentation these days, The Undertaker's not going to get the help he needs.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.