10 Reasons WWE's Best Era Is Secretly Its WORST Era
9. Certain Wrestlers Should Not Have Been On TV

The Attitude Era was great if you were a hormonal teenager who thought CTE was kewl, but it was bleak on several - hell, infinite - levels.
Shawn Michaels made several appearances in various non-wrestling roles. He was a special guest referee, a part-time authority figure, a guest commentator. Struggling badly with substance abuse issues, every last cameo was bleak. The Legion of Doom's Hawk, also struggling with addiction, was paraded on television as an addict. Dustin Rhodes was effectively made to process the ruination of his personal life live on television. Vince Russo was so horrible at his job that the extent to which he was deeply unpleasant is too often overlooked. So what if Beaver Cleavage wanted to have sex with his own mother?
Very ill and troubled human beings were reduced to and forced to relive their real trauma, all for the sake of some "realistic" ratings grab.
Steven Regal was a shambles whose promos were incoherent. It was hard to watch. He shouldn't have been out there - but if he weren't, to whom would the Godfather character direct his banter homophobia?
The British Bulldog was a swollen cry for help dressed in jeans. He was a grim illustration of physical and psychological agony. He needed a lifeline.
But also, the WWF needed an opponent for the Rock in the October 1999 pay-per-view cycle, so...