10 Recent Things That Didn't Go WWE's Way

9. The Fiend Leads The Demonic Way

Ronda Rousey botched return

Keeping with all things demonic and spooky, and to the star seemingly destined to pick up the mantle of WWE's resident supernatural money-maker. Yet, despite a refreshingly compelling start, the inevitable habit of fumbling an innovative cash cow made its presence known once again.

At his best, Bray Wyatt acted as a beacon of genuine creativity within the confines of a company that attempts to thrive on carbon copies and doubling down on "the brand". His Firefly Funhouse bits kicked off as a barmy hoot. His ferocious squashing legitimately popped crowds out of the gates. And his disturbing Fiend-ish get-up was enough to disturb and inspire in equal measure.

However, typically dumb booking paved the way for Wyatt becoming a parody of himself in record time, equipping himself with a giant mallet as he pummelled his trusty rabbit puppet into smithereens; pretty much symbolising what the boss would later do to his credibility before long.

Repeatedly dreadful fiery feuds ultimately left WWE feeling as though they'd gotten all they could out of a once-intriguing prospect and this demon clown waved goodbye to his funhouse before live fans were given a chance to scratch their heads at him one more time.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...