10 Recent Wrestling Moments That Shook The World

7. WWE Is Bringing Money In The Bank To The UK In 2023

Mandy Rose

Admittedly this one mostly shook a very specific part of the world, but the news of WWE bringing a very specific PLE to the British Isles in 2023 was something that caught just about every wrestling fan a little off-guard.

Now sure, 2022 did see the Sports Entertainment giant finally unleash a televised stadium show in the UK for the first time in 30-years in the form of Clash at the Castle. But WWE has taken things to another level with the news of this year's Money in the Bank actually going down in London's O2 Arena.

WWE bringing what they're now trying to market as one of their new "Big 5" events - adding to the line-up of Survivor Series, SummerSlam, Royal Rumble, and WrestleMania - feels like another huge step towards one day potentially having a full-blown 'Mania event go down in Britain.

Should Money in the Bank 2023 go on to become as big a commercial and creative hit as Cardiff's Clash at the Castle, then perhaps a long-awaited return to Wembley won't be too far around the corner at all, eh?


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...