10 Recent WWE Storylines That Flat Out Sucked

9. Big Cass Belittles Daniel Bryan's Height

Big Cass Midget

The Storyline: After returning from a lengthy lay off due to injury, Big Cass was furious that Daniel Bryan's concurrent comeback was stealing his thunder. Therefore, he decided to target Bryan and crack endless jokes about how much taller he was. Thrilling.

Why It Sucked: Cass lacked any menace when he was belittling Bryan, and seeing him poke fun at midgets was all rather dull. It also wasn't really what fans wanted for Daniel's first major singles feud since calling off his retirement and making an emotional return to the ring.

On top of that, Cass was claiming to have the upper hand over someone who had wrestled almost a decade longer than him, had become a World Champion against all the odds and made a career out of beating physically bigger men.

The angle, flat and run-of-the-mill, did nothing to present Cass as Bryan's equal, let alone his superior.

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