10 Remedies For An Ailing WWE Network

1. Release Monthly Subscription Numbers

Every month WWE releases preliminary numbers about PPV buys, attendance trends, merchandise orders, website traffic and lots more. However, they stubbornly refuse to release information about the monthly number of WWE Network subscribers. Yet the WWE Network is what has revolutionized WWE€™s go-to-market model. So, now we€™re left with enormous speculation and little information. If the company does not want to suffer from serious quarterly spikes (and dips) as investors over-react to their subscription numbers, all they need to do is provide monthly guidance. Right now, the real subscription numbers are closely guarded and even top decision makers are left in the dark. It€™s an inefficient way to operate and needless. Why should the WWE be forthcoming with 80% of their key statistics, but hold back such a vital one? That€™s not in the investor€™s best interest and ultimately it€™s not in the company€™s best interests either. None of these recommendations will €œfix€ the WWE Network overnight. It€™s going to be a slow process. But each of these represent small steps the company can take which can seriously improve the health and well-being for this critical project.
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I'm a professional wrestling analyst, an improviser and an avid NES gamer. I live in Saint Paul, Minnesota and I'm working on my first book (#wrestlenomics). You can contact me at chris.harrington@gmail.com or on twitter (@mookieghana)