10 Ric Flair Stories So Crazy That They Must Be True

9. Last To Leave, First To Arrive


Bret Hart is not somebody who has had a tremendous amount of great things to say about Ric Flair the wrestler, but the Hitman has admitted on a few occasions that he respects the conditioning that Flair has always been in.

Upon joining the then-WWF from WCW in 1991, Flair was on top of his game, and memorably won the 1992 edition of the Royal Rumble match, snatching the WWF Heavyweight Title as a result.

Entering at number three, Flair would last the rest of the way, and the '92 Rumble is still considered one of the best by wrestling fans worldwide. People outside the industry can say what they like about it all being "fake", but to go for the length of time Flair did during the match and still look somewhat fit by the end of it takes remarkable cardiovascular conditioning.

One story, as told by Bret Hart, involves Flair partying all night, propping up the bar until the sun was peeking through the windows of the hotel in which they were staying. Trying to match him, Hart eventually caved, going to bed well before Flair called it a night.

Pulling himself out of slumber just a few hours later, Bret made his way down to the gym, and was shocked to see Flair already there, pounding a path on the treadmill and looking fresh as a daisy.

Hart isn't the only one to remark that this was the man's lifestyle, but it's truly incredible to think someone's body could withstand that kind of punishment and keep going strong!

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Ric Flair
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.