10 Ric Flair Stories So Crazy That They Must Be True

7. Using The Title As Collateral


Perhaps due to the aforementioned generosity, or just the man's own personal desire to live life high on the hog, Flair has been in financial trouble more than once, and is apparently no stranger to taking out bank loans or failing to pay taxes.

Of course, a lot of this information has been leaked as time has rolled on, but one little tidbit still remains fascinating.

A multi-time World Champion in pretty much every territory and company he worked for, Flair has supposedly used titles as collateral insurance on loans, something which must have confused the heck out of promoters and bosses throughout his career.

Needless to say, those belts didn't really belong to the man, even though he was wearing them, but probably because he was the one carrying them around all the time, he felt they did.

It's not outlandish to imagine this all being true - Ric Flair lives the lifestyle that his persona on-screen does, it's not even really a character at this point.

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Ric Flair
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.