10 Most Ridiculous Lawsuits In Wrestling

9. TNA Sues WWE For Telling Them About A Mole

On May 23rd 2012, TNA Entertainment, LLC, sued a former employee, Brian Wittenstein, and World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc, for the use of confidential information in gaining a competitive advantage. Translation: they claimed that Wittenstein had told WWE all about certain contractual information about their roster, which WWE had then used to attempt to poach TNA€™s talent. This would be a major news story and a potential source of legitimate scandal €“ were it not for the fact that TNA only knew about the leak to begin with because WWE had fired Wittenstein and informed them of his betrayal of their trade secrets. TNA€™s point, if point you can call it, was that WWE had the information for three weeks before choosing to play the honourable babyface card, and during that time used it to try to grab Ric Flair, who had suspiciously asked for his release around that time, and was suspected of intending to return to WWE. First of all, let€™s just clear this up: if TNA had someone of the stature of Ric Flair on their roster, it€™s because he couldn€™t work for WWE at that point, for whatever reason. Angle only signed with TNA because WWE fired him. Hogan only worked for TNA for so long to prove a point to Vince McMahon after a disagreement over his value to WWE in 2006. Flair only signed with TNA in January 2010 after WWE hadn€™t returned his calls for six months. Secondly €“ suing someone over a legal issue that they€™ve specifically called to your attention and already resolved for you is what we refer to in the trade as a jerk move. TNA would withdraw the lawsuit eight months after filing it, without prejudice and with the option of refiling at a later date. Yeah, that showed €˜em.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.