10 Ridiculous Wrestling News Stories You Won't Believe

9. Ashley Massaro Will Escort You

Wrestling can be such a classy business, bringing together some of the most flamboyant individuals to ever grace this little planet we call Earth. There was a time, before WWE went all PG, when the WWE Divas weren't wholesome role models. Imagine that. Instead, the Divas were more accustomed to fighting it out in jelly, and gracing the cover of Playboy. Enter Ashley Massaro, the winner of the 2005 Diva Search competition, apparently designed to inundate pro wrestling with fitness models who had no idea about wrestling. Departing the company in 2008, Massaro has been linked with an escort agency called Bella Models. For those who are unaware, escort agencies are often nothing more than fancy ways of promoting sexual acts for money, underneath all sorts of bells and whistles designed to make it appear more innocent. Admit it, you looked at the featured image and are interested, right? For a rumoured $25,000 just on travel costs for this ex-Diva, you may change your mind.
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Ric Flair
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.