10 Rules WWE Chooses To Ignore

5. Entry Times For Royal Rumble Match Changing

Royal Rumble 1992 The Royal Rumble match hasn't changed too much since it started back in 1988. The format has generally been 30 entrants aside from the first one having 20 men and the 40 man Rumble in 2011. In the early days of the match, entrant times were set at two minute intervals. That's changed over the years. Remember the year when it was only 60 second intervals? That was too quick. There were several Rumble matches in the 1990s especially where they messed up the times. You would see a two minute break between two entrants, then it would be something like 80 seconds for the next guy, then a minute, then back to two minutes for a bigger name and it just wasn't consistent at all. It's not like they would ever admit to it. They just did it to correct timing issues they had as well as giving more time for the entrants of bigger name talent. This is something that WWE has gotten better at in the last decade with a standard 90 second time for entrants in the Rumble match. The match usually clocks in about 55 minutes now.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.