10 Ruthless Aggression Era WWE Superstars You Totally Don't Remember

1. Sakoda

Sylvester Terkay WWE

Ryan Sakoda cameo'd as a judge for Triple H and Scott Steiner's pose down segment in January 2003, then inked a WWE contract himself that September. Following a brief stint in developmental, Sakoda debuted alongside Akio (Jimmy Wang Yang) as one of Tajiri's henchmen in October.

WWE interest in the Kyo Dai team was fleeting.

Sakoda was released from his contract in September 2004, and later filed a lawsuit against the company for concealing information about brain injuries sustained during his run. That was thrown out of court. Sadly, Ryan passed away aged just 48 in 2021. In total, his time in WWE's spotlight lasted mere months.

Today, he's the answer to a trivia question about Tajiri and that's about it. He and Akio were heel backup for their stable leader, and the gimmick ran out of steam rather quickly. Wang Yang would go on to do more with the promotion, but Sakoda was cut.

Which other Ruthless Aggression era stars do you think fans have forgotten? For more WWE, check out 10 Forgotten Finishers Wrestlers Suddenly ABANDONED and 10 Most DANGEROUS Wrestlers Ever

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