10 Ruthless Aggression Era WWE Superstars You Totally Don't Remember

3. Sylvester Terkay

Sylvester Terkay WWE

How many times have wrestling fans heard that someone is "the next Kurt Angle"? WWE tried to do that fairly recently with scrapped pet project Gable Steveson, but he was far from the first. In 2006, Sylvester Terkay was dubbed the second coming when he debuted alongside Elijah Burke on SmackDown.

Yeah, or not.

Terkay was a strong amateur wrestler who'd even lost out to Kurt during the 1992 NCAA Division I finals, but his skills on the mat didn't translate well onto WWE TV. Big Sylvester just didn't have the personality to make the leap; he was one of the dullest acts on company telly between 2006-2007.

It was clear that WWE realised this early on too. They moved Terkay from SmackDown to ECW mere months after his debut, and that was a nail in the coffin for his run. Despite winning a ton of matches and still being super-early into his WWE career, Sylvester was cut loose in January '07.

Thanks for coming.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.