10 Scariest WWE Superstars Of All Time

3. The Boogeyman

Unquestionably one of the most unique gimmicks in WWE history, Marty Wright's Boogeyman character should have been a greater success than it was. He was still able to make an unforgettable impact - that's what eating live worms will do for you - and engaged in a pair of memorable feuds with JBL and Booker T. Although not the most gifted wrestler in the world, the Boogeyman's antics overshadowed such in-ring deficiencies and made him one of the most disturbing figures in the company. Carrying a smoking staff and daubed with blood-red facepaint, the Boogeyman can potentially be thought of as Papa Shango done right. However, whereas Shango weakened his opponents with voodoo powers, Boogeyman gained an advantage by simply being as freakish as possible. From his twitching strut to the ring, to his fondness for worms (SO many worms), everything about Wright's gimmick was designed to be as off-putting and memorable as possible. He was awarded PWI's Rookie Of The Year award in 2006, but was held back from ever proceeding any further up the card. Like Gangrel, he never held a championship. Perhaps Boogeyman's problem was that, for all the benefits of his eye-catching gimmick, it would have held him back from being taken seriously at a higher level.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.