10 Shocking Acts Of Violence In AEW

1. Adam Page Drinks Swerve Strickland's Blood

Hangman Page Swerve Strickland

You didn't think we'd have this list and not visit the most hate-filled rivalry in AEW, did you? 

Swerve and Hangman has become one of the most iconic and violent rivalries the company has ever seen, and it all stemmed from Swerve wanting Hangman's spot. Since then, they've done unspeakable things to each other. Swerve threatened Hangman's baby. Hangman burnt down Swerve's home. They have beaten and battered each other. Slammed each other with chairs, stapled each other, even lodged a needle into the other's mouth. But nothing will ever top this moment at Full Gear 2023.

It's hard, in this modern age of wrestling where kayfabe is a distant memory and every wrestler seems religiously online, to try and build what feels like genuine hatred between wrestlers. But Swerve and Page have not only done just that; they've been able to tell a phenomenal storyline that once again brings Hangman's fragile mental health to the forefront.

At Full Gear, Page was very much still the hero of this story, and when he stapled one of his kids finger paintings to Swerve's face and then ripped it clean off, it felt like a cathartic moment. But then the Cowboy dropped to the mat, tipped Swerve's bloodied head forward and guzzled his enemies blood, before blowing it out to the fans like a Triple H entrance.

It is, without a doubt, the most brutal and shocking moment of violence in the five year history of AEW.


A wrestling fan for over two decades, a proud father of an awesome little girl. Am also an international best selling independent author of mindless action novels!