10 Shocking Acts Of Violence In AEW

6. Darby Allin Breaks The Glass Ceiling (Sort Of)

Hangman Page Swerve Strickland

Darby Allin is a mad man. 

He is also the heart and soul of AEW, and to be honest, this list could have just been about him. Want someone to set someone on fire? Darby will do it. Want them to roll down a flight of concrete steps? Darby will do it. Want someone to launch themselves through the ropes like a runaway freight train? Darby will do it. 

The man is a human crash test dummy, and the disregard he has for his own safety is scary. And if ever you needed anymore evidence of this, you need only revisit AEW Revolution 2024, where AEW gave the legend, Sting, the ultimate of send-offs. Defending the tag belts against the newly turned Young Bucks, Sting and Allin put on a spectacle in what was a truly fitting ending to the 'Icon's' career. But the talk wasn't really about Sting, was it?

As the match unfolded, Darby Allin ascended a giant ladder, and looked down at Nicholas Jackson, who found himself lying on a pane of glass on top of a few rows of chairs. Allin leapt, Jackson moved, and Allin sentoned through the glass and sent the crowd wild. The impact was sickening, the resulting injuries stomach-turning, but it is a moment that you will never forget. The image above just doesn't do it justice.


A wrestling fan for over two decades, a proud father of an awesome little girl. Am also an international best selling independent author of mindless action novels!