10 Most Shocking Allegations Made Against Vince McMahon

9. He Allegedly Did Cocaine

We€™ll discuss the 1994 steroid trial later on, but Matthew Randazzo€™s book €˜Ring of Hell: The Story of Chris Benoit and the Fall of the Pro Wrestling Industry€™ alleges that McMahon is hooked on cocaine, resulting from the glitzy lifestyle of being a 1980€™s New York millionaire. Randazzo claims: €œAccording to numerous sources, McMahon had a great love affair with cocaine that may or may not have ever subsided; he liked to brag with apparent justification that €˜I can snort as much of that stuff as anyone can put in front of me and never get hooked.€™ One WWE employee of recent years told me, €œThe boys and former office staff use euphemisms when they talk about Vince€™s €˜energy.€™ You€™ll hear it in things like, €˜I don€™t know where he gets all the energy€.. He doesn€™t ever seem to sleep!€

From Chester-le-Street, with Newcastle as my spiritual home. 24 years old, I'm at Sunderland University studying for a Sports Journalism MA. It's all about football and WWE. Wordplay jokes and puns are also encouraged.