10 Shocking (But Believable) Theories About WWE Right Now

6. John Cena Politicking Nikki Bella's Divas Championship Reign

The Theory: John Cena made sure that Nikki Bella's recent WWE Divas Championship reign beat AJ Lee's record. Bella was due to drop the title to Charlotte before the record had been broken. The Evidence: Back to Meltzer we go. The bastion of wrestling's dirt-sheets reported the rumour on Wrestling observer Radio, saying: €œAnything can happen, but if Charlotte doesn€™t win then it€™s probably the influence of John Cena€that€™s what I was told.€ He admitted at the time that he didn€™t know for sure what was going to happen. It feels like since the dawn of time that we've heard stories about John Cena holding down others so he can keep his lofty place in the company and sooth his own seemingly very exaggerated ego, so hearing this news isn't surprising in the slightest. There was rumours that Bella was due to keep the title and break the record anyway so WWE could get their own back on CM Punk. The former WWE Champion is of course married to the previous record holder AJ Lee... Did This Happen? The record's gone, that's all we can be sure of. Although it wouldn't be a surprise to hear someone reveal the news in one of those now infamous shoot interviews on Youtube down the line.
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.