10 Shocking Moments When Wrestlers Risked Losing Their Jobs
9. Orlando Magic

Paige wasn't the first WWE-contracted performer to appear in the Impact Zone, but even without anticipating an on-camera experience, she did exhibit some nous by wearing a mask that fully covered her face.
The same couldn't be said for Dereck Graham-Couch, the man behind low-card 'Highlander' Robbie McAllister.
Shown in the Impact crowd during the company's live edition of the show three days before the Orlando-based WrestleMania 24, Robbie looked on sheepishly as he realised his featured presence, and later revealed he was called by a WWE official almost immediately and ordered to leave.
It was stupid of the star to take a seat in the crowd, but TNA's cynical exploitation of the situation did little to enhance their own reputation.
2008 hadn't been a banner year for the struggling Scottish pair, after Rory suffered a pectoral injury that kept him out of action and Robbie was left looking at the lights on Sunday Night Heat.
It got progressively worse after TNA's unplanned and unsuccessful publicity grab. Robbie's $5,000 WrestleMania bonus was canned, and he continued doing demeaning jobs until both Highlanders were released in August.