10 Shocking Vince McMahon Moments You Totally Don't Remember

WWE COO Vince McMahon is an unhinged PR disaster then, now, forever...

Vince McMahon
WWE Network

Vince McMahon is, in the words of the man most willing to defend him in recent years, a "crazy old man".

Seth Rollins said as much, responding to a question concerning why he never wears his beloved all-white gear anymore. Vince's craziness is also really quite self-evident.

This is a man who on national television has forced various independent contractors to pucker up and kiss his ass; ordered Trish Stratus to strip to her underwear and bark like a dog; kicked Zach Gowen's one leg out of his leg and called him a "freak" in the process; mocked beloved commentator Jim Ross' Bells Palsy live on air; performed a mock colonoscopy on a dummy depicted to be, yes, Jim Ross; referred to John Cena by the 'N' word live on pay-per-view; criticised his star players for not being in artificially enhanced shape on RAW; pestered the widow of Brian Pillman, again on RAW, to absolve the WWF of any wrongdoing in his death...

Those are the big, nasty, headline moments. There are more, because Vince McMahon doesn't have an off switch.

There has to have been a camera present to warrant inclusion in this list, because there are entire compendiums dedicated to his legitimately vile offscreen "antics".

Not that, on following evidence, he had the self-awareness to remember that he was being filmed...

10. Vince Threatens To Do Something Bad In American English, MUCH Worse In English

Vince McMahon
WWE Network

In a fascinating time capsule posted by @IandrewDiceClay on Twitter recently, further insight is provided into the bizarre Vince and Stephanie dynamic.

You don't want to say that they flirt with another, those McMahons - though Shane did describe his sister's breasts as "cute" once, which is totally f*cked - but there's a certain...level of familiarity there. This closeness is less likely to put smiles on people's faces, and more likely to creep them out more than the merch stand at a BritWres show.

Back when father and daughter were at loggerheads during the millionth control of the company angle, Steph evolved as a performer from hysterical scenery-chewing wallflower to someone with a modicum of personality. The McMahon melodrama was derided massively by - yes! - the "IWC" at the time, many of whom thought they just got in the way. There's a reason why 2000 was so great and why WrestleMania 2000 still sucked sh*t, and it was because the show was built around this family of total headcases.

In one volleying promo exchange, Vince said that if Stephanie did not cease her behaviour, he would "blister her little fanny 'til it turns blue".

Awful in English English, right? Fanny means your minge over here, not your bum.

But even in American English, Vince still threatened to repeatedly smack his daughter on her arse to the point of scarification, to which Steph showed said arse to him and gave it a little slap of her own. It's no wonder accepted society thinks we're all lunatics for watching this sh*t, Christ.

The weirdness did not end there...


Michael Sidgwick is an editor, writer and podcaster for WhatCulture Wrestling. With over seven years of experience in wrestling analysis, Michael was published in the influential institution that was Power Slam magazine, and specialises in providing insights into All Elite Wrestling - so much so that he wrote a book about the subject. You can order Becoming All Elite: The Rise Of AEW on Amazon. Possessing a deep knowledge also of WWE, WCW, ECW and New Japan Pro Wrestling, Michael’s work has been publicly praised by former AEW World Champions Kenny Omega and MJF, and current Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes. When he isn’t putting your finger on why things are the way they are in the endlessly fascinating world of professional wrestling, Michael wraps his own around a hand grinder to explore the world of specialty coffee. Follow Michael on X (formerly known as Twitter) @MSidgwick for more!