10 Shocking WWE Raw Moments You Never Saw Coming
2. The Nexus Debut (7 June, 2010)

As far as startling Raw visuals go, it's hard to beat the chaos concocted by the debuting Nexus in June 2010, when Wade Barrett's band of vultures literally tore the show apart.
John Cena was facing CM Punk in the night's main event, with his opponent primed and ready for an Attitude Adjustment. Before he could execute, Barrett's boys surrounded ringside, each wearing a matching black and yellow armband. Confusion filled the building, but the NXT rookies' plan was soon made apparent.
The Nexus destroyed everything. Though Cena was their primary target, Punk and his minion, Luke Gallows, were disposed off too. Not even staff members Jerry Lawler, Matt Striker, and Justin Roberts were safe, and after sending every human being in sight to the shadow realm, the Nexus pulled their environment apart by lifting mats, flipping tables, and dismantling barricades.
This epic debut set one of the freshest WWE angles in years off to an incredible start. The company were sadly unable to build on this momentum, as the Nexus were eventually neutered by John Cena's hand, but their grand arrival left jaws agape and the fanbase ablaze with excitement.