10 Short-Lived WWE Gimmicks You Totally Forgot About

1. The Cosmic Wasteland (Stardust & The Ascension)

The Cosmic Wasteland

Cody Rhodes likely doesn't have many sleepless nights these days thinking about his time as Stardust, but we're willing to bet that wasn't always the case. In 2015 and 2016, Cody was desperate to do something else in WWE, and their lack of direction for him led to a mutual termination of Rhodes' contract in May 2016.

The Ascension were sad. They still are.

Konnor and Viktor had been cast as Stardust's henchmen for a spell in late-2015. Together, the trio were known as 'The Cosmic Wasteland', and they were little more than Kickoff show fodder. Still, at least WWE were trying to get The Ascension over by linking them to a character they believed was working (even if Cody didn't agree).

To put it mildly, the group's promos were out there. If they weren't celebrating 'Batman Day' in their own unique fashion, then The Wasteland were doing everything in their power to destroy the traditions of Christmas. No wonder people have forgotten all about them.

What other short-lived WWE gimmicks can you think of? Let us know down in the comments section below!


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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.