10 Sickening Wrestling Bumps That Should Have Never Happened

2. Joey Mercury's Face Gets Destroyed By A Ladder

Daniels Suicide bump

Simply put, some ideas just sound like a recipe for disaster from the get-go.

Having a wrestler launch themselves onto a ladder which then fires straight up into the faces of multiple individuals not protecting their mugs with their hands? What could go wrong? Exactly what you'd think.

This very spot went down during a WWE Tag Team Championship bout featuring The Hardy Boyz, Brian Kendrick and Paul London, William Regal and Dave Taylor, and MNM (Johnny Nitro and Joey Mercury) at Armageddon 2006. Luckily Nitro was looking up when the ladder Jeff Hardy landed on pinged up at himself and his partner, and was therefore only struck in the throat. However, Mercury wasn't so fortunate as his head took most of the blow due to staring straight at the incoming object.

Mercury's face in the aftermath of this spot told you all you needed to know. As Matt Hardy recalls, his face was bleeding "like someone went to a sink and turned the faucet on. It was gruesome."

Though Team Xtreme were known for pushing the limits when it came to inflicting pain on their opponents with a ladder, it's clear this bump wasn't thought through nearly enough in the lead-up to the match and should've probably been vetoed long before Mercury's face was obliterated.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...