10 Sickest WWE Steel Chair Shots Ever

6. Undertaker On Shawn Michaels - Badd Blood 1997

Gif 325x231 Bccd3a Gif Yes there were two 'd's in the original Bad Blood event from 1997. Why? Who the f*** knows!? What we do know is that this event, famed for the WWE debuts of a couple of famous entities, one being the Hell in a Cell match and the other the character Kane, who is STILL going today for Pete's sake, also featured one of the sickest chair shots in WWE history. Michaels had actually set the table for this shot with an equally stiff effort he himself had sent 'Taker's way a month earlier leaving Undertaker with one option and one option only, that being to return in kind. Michaels, covered in blood, having taken a bump from the edge of the Cell through an announcer table and a top-rope Chokeslam had his pummeling completed when 'Taker retrieved the chair and snapped his head back with a ridiculous shot that sent shock-waves through the crowd. It was the coming of the violent side of Attitude Era in full-swing. A highlight of the, still, greatest Hell in a Cell match in WWE history. Disagree at will.

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