10 Sickest WWE Steel Chair Shots Ever

3. Brock Lesnar On Zach Gowen, Smackdown 2003

What happens when you get a place a 6ft 3, 290lb monster with a steel chair up against a 5ft 11, 180lb runt with one leg? Carnage, that's what and one of the sickest chair shots in WWE history. In August of 2003, Brock Lesnar returned to being a dominant heel after a 9 month spell as a lukewarm babyface. As part of his turn, WWE decided to have Lesnar commit several atrocities against the genuinely handicapped Gowen, whom, in spite of his disability, has gone on have a moderately successful career as an independent pro wrestler, including his short stint in WWE. One of these atrocities included a sickening spot where Lesnar threw Gowen down a flight of stairs, a spot so heinous that several broadcasters edited it out of their delayed broadcast of Smackdown that week. Nothing, however, compares to this. A blood-curling shot across the head of the fallen Gowen, in front of his home-town crowd and kayfabe mother. If for nothing else, the attacks on Gowen did the job for Brock. He came across like the biggest asshole in the world during this storyline.

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