10 Signs WWE Divas Division Is About To Change
8. No More Models

Almost everyone harkens back to the Attitude Era as one of the greatest periods of time to be a wrestling fan, but the Divas always got the short end of the stick. Bikini matches, evening gown battles, and stripping each other down in pudding trumped a real wrestling match any day of the week.
When Jim Ross stepped in as the Vice President of Talent Relations, suddenly the roster was infiltrated by women wrestlers. They were still beautiful, but instead of being booked on their looks alone, they could also kick butt. Ross passed his job duties over to John Laurinaitis, who must have been a fan of the Attitude Era, because the Divas division began retrogressing. Women like Kelly Kelly and The Bella Twins regularly appeared on Raw and SmackDown. The Bellas perfected their craft while Kelly Kelly did not.
For once, all the Divas on the current roster are ridiculously talented in the ring and attractive at the same time. They're wrestlers and entertainers; almost all of them star on reality show Total Divas or have at one time. Say what you will about the show, but it does have more eyes on the Divas division now than ever before. It also prevents talent from leaving, meaning that fans could have years of these great Divas to look forward to.