10 Signs WWE WrestleMania 36 Will Be The Worst Ever

1. Everyone Knows There Were Better Alternatives

The Undertaker AJ Styles

Nothing is ever really a secret in the wrestling world, so we've heard a lot about alternate ideas thrown around for WrestleMania in recent weeks. Postponing the show was said to be one possibility, but another suggestion pointed to it being held in early June at Madison Square Garden.

Right now, it looks unlikely that will be able to happen regardless, but anyone with a lick of common sense will be well aware that there were better options open to WWE than holding WrestleMania in an empty Performance Center. Knowing that the Show of Shows could and should have been so much better will make it hard to sit back and enjoy what's clearly set to be an underwhelming effort.

For safety reasons alone, the right thing would have been delaying the show, but there was absolutely no need for WWE to put WrestleMania on next month as planned. After all, significantly more noteworthy events like Glastonbury, the Olympics, and the Euros have all been delayed, but WWE is determined to make this show happen whether we like it or not...


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.