10 Signs WWE WrestleMania 36 Will Be The Worst Ever

3. It Won't Be The Same If Its Not Live

The Undertaker AJ Styles

There are some advantages to WrestleMania being taped in advance. WWE can make sure the show runs as smoothly as possible, and when Goldberg inevitably botches half his match and nearly passes out after hitting a Spear, they can edit around that to make him look somewhat competent. Unfortunately, WWE's taped shows also tend to feel very stiff and clinical.

There was a notable difference with Michael Cole's commentary on SmackDown this week (you can always tell when they add voiceovers to the show after the fact), and taking away that unpredictability and even the mistakes gives wrestling a staged, overly fake feel.

WrestleMania simply isn't going to feel like a major sporting event now, and with surprises highly unlikely, and no reaction from a massive crowd, it just won't be the same. That missing crowd is by far the biggest issue, of course, as their reactions make these matches feel like a big deal. Just look at something like The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan for proof of what a difference they can make.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.