10 Simple Ideas From The Past That Would Save WWE In The Present
6. Goofy Heels You Actually Really Like
These days the majority of heels are just angry. Like really, really cross. And they'll steamroll anyone who's in their way. That's how ruddy cross they are, OK?
But towards the end of The Attitude Era and the start of Ruthless Aggression, the line between heel and face became blurred de rigeur rather than as a rarity. This led to wrestlers who were ostensibly heels being loved by the fans for the simple reason that they were total goofballs. Edge and Christian, Kurt Angle, William Regal and even Vince himself all managed to toe the line between being all-out obnoxious and wholly entertaining without ever damaging their credibility or reputation, and Eddie Guerrero’s masterful inversion of the heel gimmick made lying, cheating and stealing something to aspire to.
These days the likes of AJ Styles, Sami Zayn, and Billie Kay have carried the clownish heel shtick forward, but there’s always room for more. We watch wrestling to be sports entertained and if we can laugh at a bad guy just as much as we hate on them, then that’s alright by us.